Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lucy's a nut

This morning, as she does every morning, Lucy wanted to get up early. I got up and let her (carried her) outside to do her bidness. I thought maybe she'd let me sleep after I put her back in her cave, but no, she wanted to eat. I told her to be quiet and she was quiet for maybe about two minutes. She started making her noises but we ignored her for a while. It was getting quiet again when she found one of her squeaky toys in with her. Usually she squeaks excitedly and for a long time. This morning, she was squeaking slowly and pitifully as if this was her only friend in the world. Poor me (squeak)... I just wanted a little nosh (squeak)... I'm just a puppy. I don't know why I can't get up (squeak) I couldn't help but laugh. It's the first time she tried to get me up using her toy toys. I got up and fed her. Two minutes after she ate, she fell asleep again. (sigh)

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