In our previous house, the carpeting was a sort of light brown.* This happened to be the color of Mrs. Beisbol's dog at the time. When we got our couch for the new house, it was a little lighter. Our next few dogs were more that color. In fact, when we took one of the pooches to the vet for her initial checkup, our vet remarked that we sure do like to get those cream colored dogs. I think Mrs. B told him something along the lines of this cartoon. In reverse. We get our dogs to match our furniture.
Of course, now we have this knucklehead,
Of course, now we have this knucklehead,

snoozing beside me at 6:30 in the morning after getting me up two hours ago (she's sleeping later, woo hoo!) She's got black hair on her back, but I'll tell you, sometimes I can't tell the difference between the 'sisters'. (full disclosure, the above picture was taken last night as we tried to keep her awake so she'd sleep in this morning. We didn't do a very good job keeping her up)

Next is a paisley couch!