The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension
some of my favorite quotes
"What's that watermelon doing there?" (ans: "I'll tell you later." They never do)
"Work Work Work... "
"Pinky Caruthers, Blue Blazer Regular. Sorry John, everybody needs see Buckaroo. Later!"
"Lithium is no longer available on credit."
(after John Emdall explains in a hologram that they will force the Earthlings to destroy themselves) Rawhide says "If it ain't one thing, it's another" Aforementioned Pinky Caruthers pats Rawhide and gestures, "Take is easy"
"There are monkey-boys in the facility."
trivia: Which John do we see twice, but are different people (actors)?
$5 to the first one to correctly answer this
"Big Bootaay!"
"They're only monkey-boys. We can trust them... "
"Declaration of War. The short form."
{more later
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