Wednesday, July 29, 2009

On my soapbox now

I must say that I have not had a lot of posts about politics or whatnot.
I do think that TEXTING WHILE DRIVING is one of the most irresponsible, selfish, stupid, thoughtless, useless, stupid (did I mention stupid), dangerous, dim-witted, foolish, ill-advised, reckless, careless things a person can do.

Click on the picture above to read about proposed federal legislation to blackmail states into banning this ridiculous practice. But for now, when you see someone TWD and swerving into your lane, pick up your phone, tell whoever you're talking to that you'll call them back, dial 912, dang, wait, where's the clear button, dial 91..oops, dropped it, where is that phone? Under the McDonalds bag... Got it! Now where did that idiot go? Oh, wait, there's another idiot. She's SMOKING, EATING, TEXTING AND YELLING AT HER KIDS! Aarg! Red light! Skreeeech!

Stupid idiots.

1 comment:

  1. For a rebuttal, please see...
